Have a pocket for each child for writing samples like Siale does - update throughout the year for easy access to writing samples - no need to photocopy books.
Have monitors from start of year - with job descriptions.
Music for transitions and tidy up.
Plan into modelling books more for reading. Could put all week’s plans into modelling books as I write my
Better routine for sharpening pencils - one container of sharp ones, one of blunt and a pencil monitor to sharpen them.
Better routine for book bags and getting packed up at end of day.
Probably don’t need sticky calendar - if I do use it again have a calendar monitor.
Establish noise meter at start of year.
Star of the day.
More rewards (privileges and games rather than material things).
Maybe change reading taskboard.
‘Rainy Day’ suitcase of activities.
Box of wet day sheets
Better system for keeping track of unfinished worksheets etc - model with kids at start of year.
Enforce expectations at start of year for:
Sitting on the mat
Lining up after morning tea/lunch
What to do before school and what time it’s ok to come into the classroom
What to do when another adult comes into the classroom
Kind words
Where to put finished and unfinished work
Better finishing system for fast writers.
One day a week for picture book activities.
Could have big pictures of Julia Donaldson characters and “Write 10 sentences to describe” for each character.
Make an alphabet book with pictures that start with each letter.

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