Sunday, 8 October 2017

Reading recovery observation with Siope

I observed Vanessa doing a reading recovery session with one of my students, Siope.  She got Siope to focus on how the letter sounds felt in his mouth.

She got Siope to hear the beginning and ending sounds in some words and Vanessa finished writing the words.  She then made a sentence strip of a sentence Siope had said "He is putting makeup on."  Siope put the sentence back in order.

She then got Siope to practise some high-frequency words: 'is' and 'am.'  She emphasised stretching the words to hear the sounds.

Then she got him to practice the word 'my' with magnetic letters and gave him some sentences with the word 'my' - 'My brother is called Saia.'  'My class is Room 6.'

Vanessa then got Siope to read "We Dress Up."  She reminded him to turn the pages the right way.  She made connections between the text and the pictures as Siope read.

She got Siope to find some words in the book that started with an S - "scarf" and "snake."

Takeaway:  I noticed the way Vanessa really got Siope to pay attention to the sounds in the high-frequency words he was learning, as well as just recognising the words.  I will use this strategy with Siope's reading group.  

4. Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice. 
i. identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues.
ii. participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community.
iii. initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills.  

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