The RTLB I have been working with recommended that I read a chapter from this book to support strategies that we have been using with a child who shows defiant behaviour. The chapter was on positive praise, and talked about how important positive praise was to children who have trouble regulating their emotions. It pointed out that with these children it can be very difficult to find positive behaviours to praise so teachers need to train themselves to notice them. Webster-Stratton talks about one teacher keeping stones in her pocket and moving a stone from one pocket to another each time she praised the target child. I have read a lot about practising gratitude being a way to train the brain to notice positive things, I guess this works on a similar principle. In the chapter Webster-Stratton talked about the importance of even praising steps towards the desired behaviour. I would like to read the whole book when I have time and will definitely put effort into noticing praiseworthy behaviour - important for all children not just those behaving defiantly.
7. promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment
i. demonstrate effective management of the learning setting which incorporates successful strategies to engage and motivate ākonga
ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga
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