BICS: Basic interpersonal communication skills - playground language (2-3 years to acquire).
CALP: Cognitive academic language proficiency - the language of the curriculum, more academic language (5-7 years to acquire).
Reading and listening skills usually develop first - it is the writing and talking output that comes later. It is common for a language learner to be better at oral language than written language at first.
Year 1/2 will not be beyond Stage 1 on the English Language Learning Progressions.
ESOL funding
12 terms funded if child is NZ born but one parent is a migrant.
20 terms if child is born outside NZ.
On ELLPs highlight a description when a child has achieved it. Highlight it even if they have moved past it.
To achieve Foundation stage all of the Foundation stage must be highlighted, apart from a couple of lower-weighted indicators.
Look at ESOL Online for exemplars etc.
Practical ideas
Speaking/writing frames - for discussion or writing after reading a text.
Eg. from 'White-Tailed Spiders'
White-tailed spiders have ______legs and _______.
White-tailed spiders like to _________.
They eat_____________.
Can be really simple if the children are reading simpler texts - 'I went to______________.'
Modelling what 'speaking in full sentences' means.
Cut up sentences
Cloze activities
Disappearing text
Choral read - then read the same text with a few words missing. The lines to indicate the missing words should reflect the size of the missing words. Can just take out one word each time.
Can be done with a page from the big book.
Helps with memorisation.
Can do with maths first - e.g. 'A triangle has 3 sides.'
Talking pictures
Keep words aspirational.
Can incorporate speaking and writing frames in this.
Skills Flow
Have pictures - maybe only 4 for littlies.
Children number pictures according to number of sentence.
Then they write a sentence for each picture using a sentence starter that you give them.
Good for retell of narrative.
Good for writing a recount of something like a school trip.
Can do it in a really simple way with a text like 'Greedy Cat'
Can do it for following routines.
Can do in topic time then use the next day for writing.
Idea - sun sense, water safety
Running picture dictation
To differentiate you can have mixed-ability pairs and have some sentences with one part and some with two.
One partner is the runner and the other is the drawer. Then swap over.
Afterwards you could act it out, write a sentence for each picture.
Give out pictures and talking frames.
Could do with monsters/pirates/sea animals/buildings - 'My monster is different to yours because...' 'My monster is similar to yours because...' 'My monster is unique because...'
Listening for mistakes
Show a picture and read a script with mistakes - kids have permission to interrupt using the following structure.
Excuse me ________
You said ________ but it's ___________.
Listening Grid

Good books
Essential Oral Language Toolkit
Maths ideas
Grid with missing number for number before and number after.
Roll a 5 - dice labelled 4-9
Say roll a 7, jump 7 5s.
Maths dictionary
Maths picture books - eg. 'The Time it took Tom.'
Bags of double-sided counters - drop 10 and see how many of each colour fall - number bonds to 10.